My Updated Morning Routine

This article describes how I changed my morning routine from doing the same exercises each day to concentrating on one muscle group a day.

I started the topic about morning routine a while ago when I shared mine, calling it The Ultimate Morning Routine for Entrepreneurs – link. Then, I expanded the concept onto my family (my wife Gil and kid), which I called The Frustration Free Morning Routine – link. In the last few months, however, I went back to my personal routine and decided to modify it.

In this article, I describe my new daily morning routine, emphasizing on the exercises and the change in philosophy that I did. I still like to think of myself as “young”, but I am not sure that is true any more. So, I would recommend this article and the exercises that I describe to my readers above 30. Or once you have a family and kids and your time is limited, but you still want to be fit, have energy and look good. Continue reading “My Updated Morning Routine”

Improving Health – How to Make Those 10.000 Steps a Day

Explains how walking more can generally lead to improving health. Lists 7 simple rules for doing the necessary 10.000 steps a day.

Improving health is one of the most important goals that you may have on your agenda. One of the easiest ways to improve your general health, however, is as simple as making sure you spend more time walking during your workdays.

Walking in general helps you:

  • Reduce stress, cheer up and increase your self-esteem
  • Lose weight andĀ energize
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Sleep better
  • Reduce the amount of snacks you eat

Continue reading “Improving Health – How to Make Those 10.000 Steps a Day”