The Habit of Embracing Change

Change is everywhere and it is here to stay. You can either suffer constantly when the next change hits you, or you can adopt a habit of embracing it.

Change is a constant factor in our everyday lives. Now, when the whole world is practicing social distance and/or quarantine, in a situation that only a few anticipated, change is even more relevant. But we, humans, are not built flexible. Most of our brains’ efforts are spent to find a safe behavior and make us stick to it. This is a challenge because nothing is safe in times of uncertainty and change.

In this article I will show you how to adopt a habit of embracing change. There are many things that can help you be successful in your personal and professional life, but this skill is going to make you successful at almost anything. As we get further into the twenty-first century, I believe that there will be two skills which will be more and more valuable. Learning how to learn fast and learning how to embrace change.

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How to Approach a New Direct Manager

Approach changes in leadership, like having a new direct manager, with anticipation and excitement, learn to see the opportunities, and prepare for the best possible outcome.

Getting a new direct manager is a situation that all of you have experienced, or will experience in the future. It can be intimidating and even scary but it does not have to be that way. Actually, it is an opportunity for a fresh start and to change or reinvent some of the processes that did not work well in the past.

This article describes a toolbox for approaching a change in leadership with excitement, anticipation, and deliberation. It can be used in various situations, for example when you start a new job, when you move to a new organization within your current employer, or when you get a new direct manager after organizational changes. It is based on my experience over the years facing numerous such occasions.

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