Help! My Manager is an Introvert!

A while ago, I shared my approach in dealing with a new manager. This time, I am diving deeper into the subject and sharing the steps I took when I realized that my new manager is an introvert.

You have recently changed your role? Or you have recently changed your employer? Or maybe, you just now realized that your new manager is an introvert. Don’t panic! First, there is nothing wrong in being an introvert. Second, I agree that working with introvert is different mostly because we are so used to these images of flamboyant, extrovert bosses. Third, pure introverts are very rare, so maybe you are wrong. And last but not least, there are approaches you can take if you dive deep into the world of introverts. This article is the logical next step after my article a while ago about approaching a new manager (link here). After working a few months with my managers I started realizing that they are actually introverts. Continue reading if you are interested in my journey and the way I approached thew new situation. Continue reading “Help! My Manager is an Introvert!”

Communication Skills – How to Avoid Miscommunication in the Workplace

Improving your communication skills and learning how to avoid miscommunication lead to increased performance in the workplace and better career overall.

Communication skills is another basic field that every entrepreneur should master. Even more, communication skills are required for every human in order to get something from the others. People have been communicating for the past thousands of years. But the way they do it and the theory behind it have not changed that much. Unfortunately, most people do not take time to explore and study the concept.

Miscommunication is when two people have a conversation but come out with different understanding. For example, you send an email to a colleague, requesting a document. Instead, you do not receive anything and he uploads the document to the shared server. You both did your job, but you do not get what you wanted. Or, when you reserve a resource that is important for your project but it is not there when you need it. I am sure you can think of many more examples.

Communication theory is a part of information theory that studies how information is transferred between two people. The process is simplified and includes only two actors (sender and receiver). They transfer a single message between themselves. In practice, communication is a lot more complex, but the basics found with that simplified model are still valid.

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Communication Skills – Using Communication Theory to Improve Your Success

Describes communication theory and how you can use it to improve your communication skills and your success with professional and personal relationships.

Communication skills is another basic field that every entrepreneur should master. Even more, communication skills are required for every human being in order to get something from the others. People have been communicating for the past thousands of years. But the way they do it and the theory behind it have not changed that much during that time. Unfortunately, most people do not take time to get familiar with the concept and to study the way people exchange information.

Communication theory is a part of information theory that studies how information is transferred between two groups of humans. Like in any other scientific study, the process is simplified and includes only two actors (sender and receiver). They transfer a single message between themselves and it travels through a medium. In practice communication is a lot more complex, but the basics found with that simplified mode are still valid. Improving your communication skills could lead to more successful career and relationships.

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Personal Optimization

Personal optimization is about doing what you are doing better, faster, with less resources, with higher quality and with better results. If personal growth is about doing the right things, then personal optimization is about doing things right.

The Four Pillars of Success: Personal Optimization
The Four Pillars of Success with emphasis on Personal Optimization

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