Access Your Subconscious Mind Through Meditation

Are your subconscious mind, emotional mind, and conscious mind out of sync? Is your brain operating on high frequencies without giving you rest? This article will teach you how to restore the harmony using meditation.

The Subconscious Mind is just one of the parts of our brains: 1) the conscious part that controls our thoughts; 2) the emotions part that controls our emotions; 3) the subconscious part that stores all memories, habits, and skills. Accessing that part of the brain is harder than it sounds because both other parts have to work in unison.

This article will combine two of my previous articles (Subconscious Mind – How to Unlock and Use Its Power and How to Learn Meditation and Change Your Mind and Body) and will teach you how to access (and influence) the data stored in your subconscious mind.

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Emotional Intelligence – 10 Ways to Improve Your Self Awareness

Self awareness is the first step of emotional intelligence. It teaches how to identify your emotions and be aware of them, their triggers and their impact.

Emotional intelligence is the skill to be aware of, control and ultimately express emotions. The latest studies suggest that EQ (emotional intelligence quotient) is more important than IQ (intelligence quotient) for succeeding in work, life and having a better health in general. By mastering it, you could be aware not only of your own emotions (and therefore drivers), but also of the emotions of the people around you (and therefore guide them and in general benefit from the extra information).

Self-awareness is the first step (out of four) in improving your emotional intelligence. This skill allows you to spot your emotions as they arise (and not after their devastating effect). It also helps you to anticipate the upcoming emotional reaction by defining and being aware of the things that drive you towards those emotions.

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Personal Growth

First of all, personal growth is a process thatĀ makes you company all your lives. You start as little babies no more than 60 cm tall and weighing no more than 5 kg. And from the very first moments you begin this wonderful journey called growing. As a result, it is safe to say that growth is one of the few skills with which you are born.

The Four Pillars of Success: Personal Growth
The Four Pillars of Success with emphasis on Personal Growth

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