How to Improve Your Financial Education

Books contain the answers to most of our problems. This article contains the financial education books that will help you get wealthy.

As a reader, I dedicated my 2021 to financial education. I selected over 50 books and I read about half of them (among other things). If you have been following my articles, you have noticed that this is my approach to everything. If I want to improve my tennis game, I would read a bunch of books and I will go out and play tennis. Or, if I want to improve my running, I would read some books and I will go out running (in the rain, in the ice, and sometimes when it is sunny).

Ever since I read “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” in my twenties, I have been fascinated how people do not understand money, finances, and the simple (but not easy) steps to become rich (or to be more precise wealthy). This article is a collection of the best books about money, budgeting, saving, investing, which I have uncovered so far in my quest to attain financial education. I was tempted to post affiliate links to the books that I will quote, but then I remembered that I am determined to keep my blog free and ad free. So, if you feel the urge to support me – go and buy my book in the Books section above.

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How to Self-organize Your Personal Budget

Having a budget is the best way to get ahead of your spending. It can be a tedious and hard effort but it pays off over time.

As much as most people dislike thinking about a budget, there is universal acceptance that this is one of the ways to get hold of your personal finances. Keeping a personal budget comes up in almost every other book about personal finances and still most people are doing it wrong.

I have also tried several times in my life to stick to a budget with various degrees of success. Over the years, I think I got to a good-enough spot, but it still not optimal. Recently, I stumbled upon the book You Need a Budget by Jesse Mecham (link to Goodreads). and my personal process finally clicked with Jesse’s method.

In this article, I will walk you through my mechanism (influenced by YNAB) to track my family’s finances. If you follow the eight steps, you will be able to self-organize your budget.

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How to Self-organize Your Personal Finances

Learn how to self-organize your personal finances by tracking spending, creating a plan, paying yourself first, and investing.

I have been waiting a lot of years to feel qualified for a post about personal finances. My theme for 2021 is financial education and I wanted to share with you my philosophy on the subject, supplemented with a few book suggestions.

There is a lot of misunderstanding around this topic and in this article I am tackling a few of these misconceptions. The most burning question is usually: “Where do I start? My financial situation is a mess…” And I think I found the best book to remedy this feeling. Once you start there is a lot to learn and a lot of strides to make, but as in everything else:

A journey of a thousand mile starts with a single step.

Laozi (or Confucious).
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