Which Brain Is in Charge of Your Eating?

Learn to engage your deliberate brain in your eating choices, you will be able to improve your health and well-being.

We humans have three brains in our heads – the lizard brain, the monkey brain, and the human brain. This is a wrong model, but it is a good approximation of the true (details here, link to Wikipedia). We still don’t know for sure, but we kinda know which part of the brain is responsible for which function. When it comes to controlling basic needs like eating, nutrition, things become tricky. Is it better to keep eating the food which we always ate (as in thousands of years ago)? Or is it better to go against our nature, because we know that it is leading us to obesity and other problems?

In this article, I am sharing my experience, opinion, and knowledge on this subject. It is inspired by a podcast episode I recently listened to (Tim Ferris’s interview with Dr. Michio Kaku) in combination with several books about the brain and nutrition which I read over the last few years (for more details about my reading – Tin’s List of Best Books 2021 and Tin’s List of Best Books 2020).

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, a nutritionist, or a scientist. All information in this article is based on my own experience and beliefs. Please consult with a specialist before following any of my tips.

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Habits for a Happier Life at Home

Developing positive habits at home can actually impact your mood with positive effects. Here, we’ll help you create household habits that will help you build a framework for a happier life.

Building and maintaining good habits can provide our lives with a positive framework, but these habits don’t simply happen by chance. It’s pretty easy to fall into bad habits that impede life around the house. A happy routine can support a happy mood, so if we stick to positive routines around our homes, we stand a good chance of keeping negative habits at bay.

There is some psychological evidence behind the power of routine to support contentment, even happiness. Although adventure and spontaneous action can lend spice to our lives, they can make life seem a bit chaotic, and that can prove stressful. Many people become bothered and decidedly unhappy when their pleasant routines are disturbed. While we always want to leave some space for change and flexibility, we can certainly protect our positive frame of mind by promoting positive habits.

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Best Healthy Habits To Practice At Home

When it comes to your health, everything starts at home. If you’re looking for ways to enjoy a healthier life, read our guide to discover tips and tricks that will ensure you live a healthy, happy lifestyle.

A nutritious diet and plenty of exercise can undoubtedly promote good health, but what about the daily habits you practice at home? From your everyday routine to getting the proper sleep, there are several things you can do to promote and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. It’s said that good habits begin at home, and this is absolutely true whether it relates to your career, your relationships, or your physical health. Read on to discover some things you can do to start practicing smarter, healthier habits while at home.

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Improving Health – How to Make Those 10.000 Steps a Day

Explains how walking more can generally lead to improving health. Lists 7 simple rules for doing the necessary 10.000 steps a day.

Improving health is one of the most important goals that you may have on your agenda. One of the easiest ways to improve your general health, however, is as simple as making sure you spend more time walking during your workdays.

Walking in general helps you:

  • Reduce stress, cheer up and increase your self-esteem
  • Lose weight and energize
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Sleep better
  • Reduce the amount of snacks you eat

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