How to Conquer Fear?

In order to do anything worth doing, you need to overcome and conquer fear. You do this by tackling fear with logic.

Today, I am writing about fear. It is one of the oldest emotions. Usually, in order to do anything worth doing, you need to overcome your fear(s). It can manifest as a worry, anxiety, or not feeling confident, but it is still the same.

I am a long-time fan of (almost) everything Ryan Holiday writes. The way he digests hundreds of sources and boils down the message to the essence really fascinates me. When he wrote the book Courage is Calling in 2021 (link to Goodreads), in the middle of the global pandemic (is it too early to start capitalizing it?), I knew it would be worth the read.

In this article, I will emphasize on deciphering fear in order to conquer it.

Continue reading “How to Conquer Fear?”

Personal Growth

First of all, personal growth is a process thatĀ makes you company all your lives. You start as little babies no more than 60 cm tall and weighing no more than 5 kg. And from the very first moments you begin this wonderful journey called growing. As a result, it is safe to say that growth is one of the few skills with which you are born.

The Four Pillars of Success: Personal Growth
The Four Pillars of Success with emphasis on Personal Growth

Continue reading “Personal Growth”