Personal Strengths Evaluation – the Rocket Model

Explains how you can evaluate your personal strengths based on the Myers-Briggs Model. Defines the Rocket Model for personal strengths evaluation.

Personal strengths evaluation is the next step after identifying your personal strengths (more info here) – you need to understand how they interact with each other and what is their place in your personality. Each of your skills has its exact place and it is just one piece of the puzzle. And last but not least, the same skills in different combinations most often lead to different results.

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Personal Strengths – 5 Original Ways to Discover Your Strengths

In a world that is more and more demanding you can excel by finding your exact place. In communities that are more and more diverse you can be valuable by understanding what you bring to the table. This article lists 5 ways of identifying your personal strengths and making marketable, personal labels out of them.

Have you ever asked yourself why the world concentrates so much on personal strengths? You will most probably get this question on your next interview. Your school teachers tried to find and encourage them. Your parents also contributed to finding what you are good at. You can trace this behavior back to the Stone Age when you were living in communities and when everybody had to bring some skill to the table. Some of you were hunters, others were gatherers or fighters.

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Learning from the best

Learning from the best is a re-post of Mark Zuckerberg’s post on Facebook about building his own Jarvis (an AI assistant) as a challenge for 2016. I provide a brief commentary on the text and, most importantly, I answer the question why do I share it.

Learning is a continuous process that will not end for you in your entire life. There are so many forms of learning that I will not bother listing even a few of them. The main take-away from my post (hopefully) would be: learn from any opportunity life offer you!

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Personal Growth

First of all, personal growth is a process thatĀ makes you company all your lives. You start as little babies no more than 60 cm tall and weighing no more than 5 kg. And from the very first moments you begin this wonderful journey called growing. As a result, it is safe to say that growth is one of the few skills with which you are born.

The Four Pillars of Success: Personal Growth
The Four Pillars of Success with emphasis on Personal Growth

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