The Art of Taking Feedback

Feedback is the magical thing that we all want to give (but we don’t know how) and we are never ready to receive (because we still don’t know how). Between October and March, a lot of us will be getting their annual performance evaluations, while some of us will be giving annual performance evaluations to their direct reports. There are many ways to do it (on either side) and none of them is correct or wrong.

This article is not about giving feedback but rather about getting feedback. This is the article I wish I had read before I received every single piece of feedback in my life.

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The Habit of Embracing Change

Change is everywhere and it is here to stay. You can either suffer constantly when the next change hits you, or you can adopt a habit of embracing it.

Change is a constant factor in our everyday lives. Now, when the whole world is practicing social distance and/or quarantine, in a situation that only a few anticipated, change is even more relevant. But we, humans, are not built flexible. Most of our brains’ efforts are spent to find a safe behavior and make us stick to it. This is a challenge because nothing is safe in times of uncertainty and change.

In this article I will show you how to adopt a habit of embracing change. There are many things that can help you be successful in your personal and professional life, but this skill is going to make you successful at almost anything. As we get further into the twenty-first century, I believe that there will be two skills which will be more and more valuable. Learning how to learn fast and learning how to embrace change.

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Working From Home: Working Hard Or Hardly Working

Working from home can be challenging, but also very rewarding. In this article, I have listed 15 tips for working efficiently from home.

The current situation in the world has become so unpredictable. Most of you are forced (or prefer) to work from home. This can be challenging on its own, but coupled with your spouse also working from home, and your kids staying home all the time, it can become quite an adventure.

In this article, I have shared a few tips that I am using to tackle the same situation for my family and I. I am a person who loves their personal space, enjoys doing deep, concentrated work. My spouse is the same. At the same time, we have a 4-year-old at home always eager for our attention.

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Subconscious Mind – How to Unlock and Use Its Power

The subconscious mind is the powerful secondary system that runs everything in your life. Learning how to stimulate the communication between the conscious and the subconscious minds is a powerful tool on the way to success, happiness and riches.

The subconscious mind is a data-bank for everything which is not in your conscious mind. It stores your beliefs, your previous experience, your memories, your skills. Everything that you have seen, done, or thought is also there.

It is also your guidance system. It constantly monitors the information coming from your senses for dangers and opportunities. And it would communicate that information to the conscious mind, which you want it to communicate (more on that tricky topic – later).

The communication between the subconscious and the conscious mind is bidirectional. Every time when you have an idea or an emotion, a memory or an image from the past, this is the subconscious mind communicating to your conscious mind. The communication in the other way is not so trivial and is achieved using the principle of auto-suggestion.

This article will introduce the powers of the subconscious mind and how they can be used on the way to success. You will learn how to communicate better with your subconscious and how to set it on the track you want it to follow.

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Positive Thinking – How to Rewire Your Brain and Stay Positive

Positive thinking teaches you how to be aware of your thoughts and influence them in order to view the world as a good place full of opportunities.

Positive thinking means the conscious choice to be happy and positive. Happiness is not a condition of the mind, or a goal, or a dream, it is a choice that you must make every day. When you wake up in the morning you have several choices: to be happy, to be sad or to be in between. Most of you make that choice unconsciously and this leads to questionable results.

Positive thinking can be reasserted by seemingly mundane choices in your life: the movies you watch, the songs you listen to, the books you read, the people you hang out with. It can help you be healthier, more productive and ultimately happier. Yet for most of the people it is hard to put optimism fist.

Negative thinking on the other hand is very easy to achieve. The human mind has a strange tendency to get pulled into negativity and self-criticism. Once in there, it could be very hard for you to pull yourself out of it. Your self-esteem and self-confidence suffer when you dwell on the negative things that others say about you, or that you think about yourself.

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