Gamify Your Running

Running helped your ancestors survive, but in the modern society you don’t run to get food. Learn to run for joy and for good health.

It is 10:30 AM in the morning. The sun is comfortably sitting high in the sky, but it is not hot yet. You’ve left your kid at a summer camp and you’ve finished the most burning tasks at work (thank you global pandemic!) You put on your running shoes, tie them up, and go out for a 5k. You come back, take a shower, and you sit in front of your home office monitor to tackle the onslaught of meetings, just when your West Coast colleagues are waking up. They keep wondering why you have so much energy in these stressful times …

This article describes how I gamified myself into developing a running habit. As always, I will share a few books and tips for everybody else. Continue reading, if you can picture yourself as the main character in the story above.

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