Organizing the Perfect Workshop

Leading a workshop is an intimidating but a very rewarding task. This article will teach give you twelve tips and tricks to create the perfect environment.

A workshop is one of the most efficient ways to learn new skills, polish or improve an existing skill, or bring back to memory a forgotten skill. Unlike a seminar or a lecture, where the emphasis is usually on pushing information to the audience, a workshop relies primarily on the audience actively practicing a skill. Research shows that learning new skills is facilitated by actual practice. Have you ever heard of somebody trying to learn to swim without getting into the water?

Most probably, a good deal of you have already been to a workshop (or at least a seminar, or a lecture). Have you ever wondered if the presenter (trainer, instructor) has ever read all the slides to the end? Have you ever secretly smiled when the presenter is surprised by the existence of a specific slide. “Wow! When did they add this?” Who’s “they”?

If you ever find yourself owning and organizing a workshop, this article will help you create the best possible environment so that your students can benefit from the experience. “The best possible environment” usually means smooth, distraction-free. As well as prompting the students (or listeners, or attendees) to actually work on the skills that you are presenting to them. The end goal is two fold. As a presenter you need to walk out the room with a good feeling that “most of the things went well”. And the students need to walk out the room with a set of new tools so that they continue practicing the new skill.

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