How to Be a Writer

To be a writer means to be alive. To be alive is a gift of privilege, not a right. Writers earn life by practicing what was awarded to us.

Ray Bradbury was a writer and one of the most famous authors of science-fiction that has ever lived. I have read numerous of his short stories, to which my father introduced me when I was about ten years old. I was really surprised recently when I discovered one of his non-fiction books: Zen in the Art of Writing (link to Goodreads).

I decided to become a writer many years ago. Not because it is cool (it is not). Not to become rich (I am not … yet). And not because I have a lot of free time (I don’t). I did it because I could not not do it.

In this article, I will show you a few of the tips which Ray Bradbury shares about writing. Most of them really resonate with me and with my decision to pick up writing.

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How to Adopt a Journaling Habit

Creating a journaling habit will help you organize your mental space and set yourself in a predictable, positive mood every morning.

Journaling is one of the top three morning productivity habits that you can adopt in your life on your way to being happier, more productive, and more successful (the other two are meditation and exercise). Although it looks deceptively easy (you sit down and write, how hard could it be?), I would argue that it is the hardest to adopt.

The benefits of journaling are numerous and the list of people who are dedicated to this habit is impressive. That list varies from Marcus Aurelius, through Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, to Warren Buffet and Richard Branson. It this article, I will share my top tips for adopting this habit and making it stick.

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